Monday, September 23, 2013

Go Clonal On Your Boss


               If you have been looking forward to get that promotion; dress like your boss.
In a study conducted by a London-based department store; Debenhams, it is revealed that 68% of managers favor staff with a similar style.  
Although the study was conduced by a company that sell stylish clothes for men, following in your bosses footsteps will make you stand out, in any business.
This is called a clonal effect; when the boss picks up on something you both have in common, it creates a connection upon which a professional relation can be built. Good thing is that if your boss does not have a good sense of fashion, you two can form a bond over similarities like sports teams, taste in music or hobbies.
Psychologists say; humans tend to be drawn to people who are like them, since difference can be perceived as threatening. People feel safer when they dress alike.
However, don't blend in have your own signature statement too. Maybe you wear ties in a casual office, or you wear your leather shoes where every one wears trainers.

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