Friday, October 7, 2011

The Gentleman On A Date

                                                         Over the years, I've done my fair share of dating, and a couple things I learned about recognizing a positive outcome, was not necessarily sex, especially when I was looking for a relationship. First, and most obvious, when she accepted a second date. Second and best, while on a phone call with you, she says something along the lines of "we should try this place, has great food" or "we should see this movie, heard good reviews". With that she has just told you not only that she's interested, but that it will happen. Two other things I've gotten from this are, One she suggested a place, so  now leaving it up to you to pop the question, the second good sign is, her vague suggestion. Here you are left to take charge of setting an actual date of when you will be taking her out. Take it this way, you decide when you want to see your woman, or future woman,and when you will be busy being the hard working man she should know you for. Sounds good? Great, now in order for this to happen, let's go back to basics. We need to prepare ourselves to have a successful first date.

To begin, this piece of advice is good pre date, during date especially, and post date. Involve your self in an intellectual level with her. Show class and culture. Let her see that you know what you're taking about and what she is talking about. Have common ground, but leave room for a little friendly debate or difference in ideas. You do not want to be the guy who just agrees with her on everything but don't be an incontestable know it all asshole either.

 Aside from an intelligent conversation, it wouldn't hurt to have her chuckle at a clean witty remark or joke. Humor is a great way of engaging her and keeping her interested. Now that you seen her chuckle, go for a laugh, remember to keep it clean and fun. Given the right situation, why not create an inside joke or anecdote, this creates something shared, it creates the presence of a relationship. Teasing is ok , while not offending anyone. However, it is a hard subject, because when teasing and saying a dirty joke, a little too much can be well worth as much as way too much. Sometimes with this risk you reap little reward.

Complimenting can go a long way. Do it right and don't over do it. Complements show you like something about her and you're confident enough to tell her. Over doing it,however, makes you seem needy and too agreeable,not to mention can get creepy.

Your other best friend is confidence. Yes, you wanna be her knight in shining armor,and for her to be there when you need her. However no one wants to feel as if they were babysitting a defenseless child. Have confidence in you word, your appearance, and overall, yourself. Show that your confidence is a good asset and not the burden that is arrogance.

Gaze, don't stare, but gaze, look into each others eyes, make a connection, and hold it for only a second longer than you feel comfortable. It has been scientifically proven that women find a greater psychological attraction to men who can hold their gaze.  Understand the difference between a gaze and a stare though, and don’t let things get weird.

A very important subject I want to touch on, is chivalry, this is a gentlemen's blog, chivalry is our game. Now, let me say, I am an advocate on equality and advancement of both sexes, however chivalry can get anything but old. This means you open doors for her, pull out her chair, offer your coat, and even walk arm in arm if she would like and you allow her up the stairs first, you ask her out and pay for dinner. One thing about this is, if she asks you out, you offer to pay, but you give her the ultimate decision if she wants to pay. If she does, you offer to take her out again, on your dime. This is part of equality and a good relationship.

Always remember to keep the excitement alive, don't be flat and predictable. Make her feel she's at the hands of an action movie hero. You don't necessarily need a chopper bike and leather jacket to be exciting, although it would be cool!. Also, show excitement in things she's interested in. Don't steal the show with your talking. Let her do most of the talking, and pay attention. When you get to talk, steal the show with your very exciting anecdotes and mysterious coolness.

Which brings me to mystery. Excitement and mystery go hand in hand. You always want her with a feeling that she wants to know more about you. If you unveil all about you, what's left to know? If she thinks she knows everything about you, in her mind she will feel like any other dates will be boring and predictable. Since she already heard all your stories. So, remember excite her with your life, but keep some stories in the holster for your next date.

Be the man. Let her wear the makeup and skirts, and you wear the pants and (insert manly thing here…).  A woman may appreciate a sensitive guy, but not an overly sensitive one.  Don’t hide your manliness, let it shine.  Women like men, not boys, not metrosexuals, and not girls.  They want a man to be a man.  So do just that.  Be the man she’s looking for.
To close this article, let me add that your goal here is for more dates and ultimately a relationship. If this works out I'm glad to have helped. Dates and women can be quite unpredictable, so if by any chance you get to have sex on your first date, that is extra point for you my friend. However, if this experience and adventure,if u will, changes your mind and you decide to dedicate your life to sex and one-night stands,we have some tips for you, hold patiently for our next article on just that,before you go and hurt someone with this article. ;D

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